Definitions of vernacular architecture, while deviating in details, commonly describe construction techniques which focus directly on human needs, application of local materials and innate understanding of context as generators of form resulting in anthropomorphic, affordable, often sustainable buildings that vary in shape around the world.
Everywhere, however, due to evolving globalization processes, folk architecture stands the risk of being reduced to shrine like artifacts of local nostalgia. Some may argue that natural selection principle applies pointing to the seemingly inherent ineptitude of vernacular architecture to develop; others would contend underscoring its “for the people” qualities; still others would say that vernacular is modus operandi detached from formal results and therefore fully adaptable and applicable today.
In order to explore the various attitudes towards vernacular architecture, ASA Forum is honored to present lectures from 5 renown architects representing different countries, continents and backgrounds: Manuelle Gautrand from France, Yung Ho Chang from China, Christian Precht from Austria, David Severen from Belgium and Han Tümertekin from Turkey. Their diverse projects and attitudes shall contribute to ever-evolving debates on vernacularity.

from OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen are known for their idiosyncratic architecture
SAT, 5 May, 2018 I 10:30 - 12:00
Phoenix Ballroom

Principal architect of Atelier Feichang Jianzhu (FCJZ), Yung Ho Chang has received numerous awards, including the UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts
SUN, 6 May, 2018 I 13:00 - 14:30
Phoenix Ballroom

Paris based architect, Manuelle Gautrand Architecture has been named as 2017's laureate of the European Prize for Architecture
SUN, 6 May, 2018 I 17:00 - 18:30
Phoenix Ballroom
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