ASA seminar time:
Fri, 2017-05-05 18:00
ASA seminar speaker:
ผศ.กิจโชติ นันทนสิริวิกรม
ผศ.ดร.ณัฏฐิณี กาญจนาภรณ์
คุณลิขิต กิตติศักดินันท์
ผู้ดำเนินรายการ Jakub Gardolinsik
ASA seminar room:
Jupiter 4
Introduction Film is a great medium for showing architecture. It can not only explore places and spaces by showing them from different angles, in motion or zooming in on details but unlike photography it is able to capture human interaction with architecture. The aim of Asa Film seminar is to take full advantage of this ability by introducing thought provoking films on architecturally relevant topics. Architecture for Humanity, Micro Dwelling and Architecture of Alienation are titles of respective screening sessions, each to be followed by a panel discussion among Thai and foreign architects and scholars whose work and experience in Thailand relates to the subject of preceding film.
Architecture of alienation The 1979 French dark comedy Buffet Froid initially failed to strike a chord with the audiences although it did manage to gain a cult status over the years. The background to its twisted plot is a modern city, shown as alienating and having dehumanising effect on its dwellers. Humour masks here the real issue of the blurring of meaningful relationship between people and buildings they inhabit. Substitution of history, experience and specific culture with function and cost efficiency may lead to creation of inhuman and as Heidegger put it anxiety inducing space. In Thailand due to its rich heritage of believe systems the importance of abstract qualities of space is even higher.